Mr And Mrs Carter Our Story At Walled Gardens Beeston
Venue: Walled Garden Beeston
Bride: Leigh
Groom: Tom
Wedding Date: 12th May 2018
Date Booked: 9th August 2016
Me and Tom first met officially in the October of 2010, I was working at our local pub, on the shift that Tom had worked 2 years prior untill he left to work somewhere else.
It was my night off, I was in the pub with a friend and Tom was on the hit box playing bejewelled all wrong, me being me I had to take over and show him how it was done, he got my number off a friend that night but didn’t realise it was the wrong number.
He later confessed he thought it was on purpose and didn’t think I was interested, I had shown some interest and got his number off the same friend and to text him - that was the beginning.
Fast forward 2 years and we finally decide it’s ready to buy our first house, we get fixed up and moved in on the 24th August 2012, we set too work doing it up but within a few months we find out we are expecting our first child.
Before we have been in our home 1 year our son Oliver arrives on the 21st August 2013, I had been dropping hints about marriage since Oliver had arrived and on Christmas Day 2014 Tom finally asked me to marry him, not the traditional way but in his own romantic way.
There were 3 presents wrapped up one inside of the other with little notes, will you.... be my.... wife? Of course Tom didn’t say a word, I still cried happy tears and of course said yes !
We decided on a long engagement but wanted to book as soon as possible. On viewing the walled garden in beeston we knew it was the place for us, we decided on our date 12th May 2018 and booked the walled garden in January 2016 ( plenty of time to pay and plan I said)
On the 24th June 2016 we move into our second, this was our forever home.
We didn’t need to do any research into our photographer we just knew we wanted Austen after a friend had recommended him and we had seen his work, we emailed and spoke on the phone, went to meet him and booked him as soon as we knew our date was free!, all in about 2 days!
January 2017 I found THE dress although I had just found out we was expecting our second child, that didn’t stop me Buying it off the rail in the only size they had that fit me! We welcomed our second child our baby girl Maisie on the 23rd July 2017 and few month later I did the dreaded dress fitting to see if it still fit - and it did! The count down to the big day had begun in the new year and everything was coming together perfectly and we were stress free!
Our day was amazing and beautiful. Our son didn’t want to leave my side so he walked me with my dad down the isle and stood with me and Tom during the outdoor ceremony.
Austen managed to grab one of my favourite photos of the whole day during the ceremony of Tom and Oliver’s shoes together, you really must see it. Austen worked so hard throughout the day and did a fantastic job of capturing so many beautiful photos from the whole day.
Family and friends have been blown away by our images and we couldn’t thank Austen enough for the amazing memories he’s been able to capture for us too look back on. We highly recommend Austen to anyone wanting beautiful candid photos that really capture the essence of your big day.
Mr And Mrs Carter